Explore Garage Storage Solutions
The real estate market is a little on the ‘crazy’ side with what houses are renting and selling for today. You may be asking yourself, “Just what do these houses have that that mine doesn’t?”, and while it may seem insignificant, it just may be all about garage storage solutions.
Why are garage storage solutions so important?
Go to your garage now and assess it as if you’ve never been in it before. Do you know where to find garden hand tools or automotive supplies like grease and oil? Are there bicycles in the way of getting the lawn mower out? Can you park your car in the garage, safely?
Garage storage solutions have cabinets, drawers, and shelves, and when they are installed correctly, they can provide an excellent way to create more space and keep your various items in order.
Bikes and vehicles can co-habitat when you have garage storage solutions in place. And most garage storage solution systems can be expanded as your tool collection grows!
Are there other benefits of garage storage solutions?
1. Clutter Eliminator
Garage storage solutions are excellent clutter eliminators! They free up floor space and maximize the space you have on the walls and ceilings. A garage storage system will have zones and any family member can find what they need or want.
2. Appearance Booster
Customized garage storage solutions allow you to create and design garage storage to fit your needs, making it more functional for you.
3. Safety First
When you leave your tools leaning or stacked in a corner, they can easily be knocked over, on top of you or your car! With garage storage solutions, this
4. Value Add
Here is the answer to your initial question, “Just what do these houses have that that mine doesn’t?”. With everything in its place using garage storage solutions, your garage will look clean and open, even larger to a prospective buyer
5. Secured Valuables
Automotive and yard tools can be expensive. When they are left on the floor, it’s too easy for them to be taken if the garage door is open. With garage storage systems, you can have cabinets that lock to store expensive items like air compressors, a power generator, and power hand tools.
6. Create a Workshop
Whether you’re a gearhead or a hobbyist, garage storage solutions can benefit you by making everything easily accessible and providing you with counter space to work on.
How can I organize my garage without spending money?
Yes, garage storage solutions can be expensive, but there are ways to get your garage organized without spending a lot of money. Start by prepping the garage by completely emptying it, and sorting everything in piles. This will allow you to see what you need to store, and what kind of storage you need to get the most out of your garage space. Sort the items you’re taking out in three piles:
- Keep
- Donate
- Trash
Within the keep pile, break the items down into “like stuff”, meaning a hammer and screwdriver are
“like stuff” while a hoe and shovel are “like stuff” that will go together in one area of the garage.
- A PLAN: Now that you know what is going back in the garage in groups, create a plan for how you’re going to store them in the garage. When money is tight, you can get creative with garage storage solutions.
- CANVAS BAG: Those bulky holiday decorations can be stored in canvas bags that will keep the dust off. Adding a dryer sheet in the bag will critters and insects out.
- IN PLACE: At this point, you should have a place to put everything in the keep pile. Start bringing those things in and put them away where they will be kept going forward. Tools go in the toolbox or drawers, gardening tools are hung on the wall, and cleaning supplies and liquids go in cabinets or on shelves, high up to keep small children and pets out of them.
- RACK ‘EM: Vertical storage racks for bikes makes great garage storage solutions and the hooks are relatively inexpensive.
- WALL SPACE: Don’t let those empty walls go to waste! This is a great place to create garage storage solutions using three-quarter-inch plywood attached to the bare studs or drywall. Then you can purchase inexpensive hardware that can work for storing items.
Other suggestions for garage storage solutions is to use old desks, dressers, and file cabinets for storage and work surfaces with peg boards behind them for hanging small hand tools. Corner cabinets and storage shelves can be used in a garage to get things off the floor, and don’t forget to label bins and boxes!
In Closing
Whether you’re planning on living in your home for the unforeseen future, or you’re considering placing it on the market, finding garage storage solutions to unclutter your garage will be a big attention grabber. Do you need garage storage solutions in Haslet and Fort Worth, TX? If so, give our team a call at 214-494-9068!